Wednesday 13 March 2013

Hey ladies and gents, it has been a rather odd few days for me here in my little home town in England... 

Since I was 16 (now 20) I have loved sports and exercise has been a huge part of my life, although I must admit I'm not someone who looks forward to a salad! Who does?! When I was 16 I started my education in the Health and fitness industry, by 19 I was a fully qualified person trainer working in a local gym and joined REPS (The register of exercise professionals) . I have since continued my education with nutrition and human biology. Anyways I'm going off track. Even though I have been helping people get fit for four years now something struck me the other day....

A lady phoned up the gym asking to book some personal training sessions with me, I booked her in and told her the details. We had are first session and she did brilliantly! On the following session she did't show up. Now with her paying in advance I found this strange so I gave her a call. We had a long conversation of which she said..

''I don't want to do it any more, people were looking at me and I did't loose any weight''

She not only did't come again she did't even ask for a refund on her money. It struck me that no matter how much I supported her no matter how much I told her weight does not just come off that easy and no matter how much I complimented her on how well she did, she was never ever going to stick to it. 

She wants to loose weight right?
And she enjoyed it whilst she was here?

She called back a few days later.

''Is it not possible for you to train me in my home''


She had no confidence in her self what so ever, she did't believe she could loose weight and achieve her goals. And even worst she believe other people who were trying to achieve there own goals in the gym were judging her. That is when I realised that men a women need support 24/7 when achieving there goals not just 1 hour a day in a gym. Because achieving your goals can be a constant battle. 

This is where my blog comes in, I will provide you with tips and tricks, super healthy recipes, exercises you can do AT HOME, in the gym and outdoors. Along with loads of industry knowledge, reviews, advice and more importantly... 

I have a
 100% Non-judgmental attitude 

No matter what your goal is I hope to provide you with as much information as I can squeeze in!

Thank you for reading!